
Thursday, November 3, 2011

My first Crafty Post :D

Hey all my crafty buds,

As promised, I bring to you my first crafty post.. Now though blogging is something I have started now only, but crafting I have been doing before I'll start with sharing something I have already done...and each one of it is really special to my heart...hope you enjoy looking at them... :)

Though I got to know about quilling like 3 years back...I just made one card at that time which you can see here. Pardon the picture that time I just had my mobile phone cam which was 1.3 megapixels... :P

I left it for like almost 2 years and reverted back to it while I was studying in London and needed some creativity to keep me alive there...

This is what I started with- 

I ordered some quilling strips from Amazon and luckily!! I was carrying a quilling tool which my sister gifted me almost one year back. This is what I had in total then... Looks pretty na!! And that is how i made this flower just playing around with my newly arrived package....

Further on, I started to dig information online on quilling and the variety of crafts that can be made, and I found Miniature Quilling very interesting...that was something I never tried my hands on as well, and so I was desperate to try is the result..

I included the penny coin in the picture just to show the comparison of the size of these miniatures. I made all of them in one sitting and simply coated them with PVA glue and they are still with me and in the very same condition....

i know that the size of the teapot is a bit small and the cups look giant-size in front of it!! but they were soo adorable and whoever saw them didnt mind so I just let it be...Also I almost ran out of orange strips too....:P 

And finally a third kind I made around the same time is this cute picture frame cum card-

I had found such cards for 10 p each at Hobbycraft stores in UK at the clearance section and I didn't even know what I am going to do with them when I bought...:P but i guess we all do the same at some point.... Crafting is awesome... 

I tried my hands at some more varieties of paper crafts which I will share very soon in my further posts.... right now my eyes are falling badly....:O

Good night friends!!

Just Love Crafts xx


  1. gorgeous work and thank you for stopping by my blog and advertising my candy for me, although you have entered the candy but not quite fulfilled the requirements of it, once you become a follower of my site you would then be entered into the candy draw, thank you for your lovely comments and keep up with your gorgeous work
    Hugs Kate xx

  2. Dearest Kate,

    Thank you for your encouraging comments and I am following your this blog-

    Thank you for guiding me too, I am relatively new to blogging and might have missed...:)

  3. Wow lovely creations Priyanka.


  4. these quilled creations are so so pretty Priyanka!!! welcome to the bloggy world...


  5. Hii,
    Really loved your quilling work, and as I told you earlier on fb, those quilling strips look yummy :D

    Please drop by at my blog too
    Iti xoxo

  6. Welcome to blogland. Glad to meet a super-talented crafter. Love your teaset!!

    PS: Do turn off word verification and enable comment moderation please



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